Monday, 12 November 2012

D’mannose capability for treating UTI

Urinary tract infection is the second most common infection which found more frequently on women rather in men. If it is an uncomplicated and ordinary urinary tract infection, then it is better to consider about D’mannose. It is in any form will naturally treat the bladder infection. D’mannose is a simple type of sugar similar to glucose. D’mannose will be slowly absorbed by the intestinal tract.  After D’mannose absorption it doesn’t form as glucose storage, but get into bloodstream and therein enter the urinary tract through kidneys.

D’mannose prevention method of UTI: Lining of bladder is made up of molecules named polysaccharide (which is used by the infection bacteria to stick along) will allow the bacteria to stay and infect the bladder. When D’mannose substance enters into the bladder the bacteria preferably attach to the free molecules of D’mannose. This will make the bacteria to settle in the urine which leaves the bladder free from bacteria and therein gets flushed out on urination. D’mannose contains the potential ability to treat bladder infection for about eighty to ninety percent of the time period.

Apart from this, it also works against GI tract, which adhere to the bad bacteria found in the gut and makes the bacteria to get flushed out of the body. So the yeast formation can also be removed from the GI tract through such way.  It is optimum treatment to get rid of the bad bacteria so that it can be removed permanently from the human body. Bacteria found in the GI tract are the one which causes bladder infection.

D’mannose substitute: Supplement of D’mannose is available in health stores which can be consumed either in tablet or powder form. Cranberries, peaches, apples, blueberries and oranges are some of the fruit varieties which can be used as a substitute of D’mannose. Identical sugar substance found in these fruits and D’mannose gives some level of capability to treat bladder infection. Remember that the molecules found in both of these fruits and D’mannose doesn’t destroy the bacteria, but attract towards it to make it stay away from bladder and get flushed out of the body on urination.

Research and study: Scientific evidence has proved the effectiveness of the D’mannose against urinary tract infection. In a study, it has been investigated about the D’mannose treating capability against chronic UTI among 18 men and 43 women. Among the females, it has been observed that total of 24 were found to have optimistic urine culture who got infected by E.coli type bacteria. For remaining women it is found that klebsiella or some other mixed up bacteria is generating the cause.

Two spoonful of D’mannose consumed by the E.coli caused patients for one week duration have returned them to have normal urine culture. All the patients found to have some development in symptoms disappearance. After one week elapsing, seventy one percentages of women have been found to have absolute symptoms disappearance. Among men only ten had positive urine culture as some other complications is noted among the remaining men that make it more complicated to treat the infection.

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