Have you been recently diagnosed with interstitial cystitis? Then probably you might be aware of the fact that one of the most distressful symptoms of interstitial cystitis is the inflammation of the bladder lining. The severity of this infectious condition has led many people into desperately searching for a preparation that could relieve at least the symptoms even though it doesn’t treat the entire condition. For instance, by suppressing the urge of going to the bathroom at every hour preparations like d-mannose capsules could actually save the patient from a lot of exhaustion. Herbs like cranberry and Uva ursi can assure the patients some relief in cystitis symptoms but only if the infection is in the early stage. D-mannose capsules can be a suitable formulation for the Lyme disease patients too. Lyme disease is an infectious and inflammatory condition that is caused by ticks. D-mannose capsules contain mannose that helps in flushing out the Lyme disease bacteria too. The simple sugar molecules that compose d-mannose are readily digested in the body and bypasses the first pass metabolism of liver and pancreas. As a result, the body does not detect the presence of mannose molecules and the blood glucose levels remain the same. Therefore, it is safe for use for expectant mothers and diabetics. D-mannose capsules make it possible for interstitial cystitis patients to get rid of the bothering symptoms without facing the side effects of antibiotics. A major problem that is encountered with the use of traditional antibiotics is that they kill bacteria randomly which means there are chances of elimination of good bacteria along with the bad ones. This unselective orientation of antibiotics towards bacteria can prove to be hazardous for the immune status of the body. Unlike the traditional antibiotics, d-mannose is selective in its approach of flushing and not killing the harmful bacteria. In many chronic cases of interstitial cystitis, patients have received zero bacterial presence in culture after following the regular dose of d-mannose for months. Most lab cultures consider a culture as positive only when the count of E.coli is more than 10,000 E.coli per cubic millilitre. When kept under suitable conditions, E.coli due exhibit multiplication within a time span of 20 minutes. In fact in early stages of cystitis, the causative bacteria may even go unnoticed in culture and in such a case only the symptoms can be guiding factor for the patient. So, any patient who has been experiencing symptoms that are indicative of the presence of bladder infection should opt for d-mannose formulations as early as possible. D-mannose capsules assure the interstitial cystitis patients of 90% washout of E.coli within 2-3 months. The best thing about d-mannose is that the precision of body’s original immunity remains unchanged. Nonetheless, many physicians do advise a follow-up dose of d-mannose and a healthy diet for a couple of months after the infection has been subdued. To conclude, D-mannose capsules are capable of taking care of interstitial cystitis at any stage.
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