Thursday, 7 July 2011

Cystitis - No more a bothersome issue with D-mannose tablets

People who have been afflicted with chronic UTI at any point of time in their life are cognizant of the potential of D-mannose tablets.  D-mannose is a potent alternative to the synthetically prepared antibiotics to which bacteria become resistant over a period of time. It’s for this reason that physicians from all over the world have started switching to this natural alternative for reliving the bothersome symptoms of cystitis without worrying about the onset of any side effects. Interstitial cystitis has become a common ailment in many continents lately. Though it has still not been classified as a life-threatening disease by the medical fraternity, it is advisable to get hold of its symptoms as early as possible. One of the most prominent symptoms of cystitis that bothers the patient's lifestyle is pain. A terrible sensation of pain can be felt in the urethral region while passing urine and having sex. These limitations experienced by the patients in their everyday life can drastically lower the quality of life for them. In fact people who have been experiencing burning sensation and pain for more 3 months encounter problems in carrying out tasks like walking their dog in the block, driving to the nearby super mart or vacationing to a national or international destination. D-mannose tablets can relive these limiting symptoms within no time of their regular usage. These enteric coated tablets contain a powerful variant of glucose - Mannose. E-coli is a bacteria that makes its way into the body by using infected food and water as a media. After entering the body it get attached to the superficial mucosal layer of the bladder. E.coli releases the toxic secretion that leads to the condition of cystitis. D-mannose tablets contain the essential element to which this bacterium gets attached and flushed out of the body. Nevertheless, it is important to consume water in copious amounts so that more number of bacteria can get flushed out during urination. Yet another caution that is supposed to be practiced along with the intake of D-mannose tablets is of restraining from the intake of spicy foods and beverages. If left in an untreated state, the infectious state of cystitis might get spread to the other parts of the body like to the kidneys, spleen, and liver. An advanced case of UTI leaves only one treatment option in most cases - Surgery. So, in order to avoid such a complicated treatment option, it is advisable to either treat the condition of cystitis at an early age or prevent its occurrence by maintaining an all-important personal hygiene. D-mannose tablets are supposed to be consumed until the physicians advise them to be. Many patients have the tendency of neglecting their consumption after they have started feeling better and have noticed a tremendous relief from pain and discomfort. Although, E.coli does not become resistant to the action of D-mannose, it is important to flush out all its strains to avoid any chances of recurrence.

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